About this site

Sylvi is an independent publishing team set up by us two, Kane and Saku. Both of us have been translating books, writing books and publishing jewels of the old for over almost two decades now and we decided to start working together. We believe, like you, that we Human beings are made up of spirit, soul, and body, which are so interconnected that the development overall, requires overall balance. Our publications are meant for bringing that balace.

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Why Sylvi

The world, as we knew it, was one of institutionalised poor conditions, run by authorities who had only their bottom line in mind. No more! Sylvi is a place to find sound thinking in books and publications from around the world. A place to recommend reads that you found helpful and to be pleasantly surprised by what others found. Together we will thrive, together we'll make a dent like none before! Sylvi is your very own private alternative knowledge library.

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